Support small businesses by purchasing a Shop Bellevue coupon book! For only $20, you will receive coupons from 40 local businesses worth over $500.00!

These coupon books will be on sale at the following Shop Bellevue events:

Aug 13 Stroll the Streets Downtown
Oct 1 Drive Thru BBQ(food from Snooties)Central Park
Nov 8 All American Picnic The Vue
Nov 26 Cash Grab Balance Nutrition


They will also be available at Bellevue events sponsored by other Businesses or Organizations including:

Various BSA Productions BSA
July & Aug Open Air Markets Central Park
Aug 12 Football Preview High School
Aug 13 Back to School Bash The Rec Center
Sept 24 Fall Fest Central Park


Coupons are valid thru June 30, 2023

Shop Bellevue ‘Cash Grab’

The 2nd Annual Shop Bellevue ‘Cash Grab’ will again take place on Shop Small Saturday.


How to enter:
Purchase a Shop Bellevue coupon book for $20 to receive a ‘ticket’ and be entered in the drawing. Put your name and phone number on the back of the ticket and place it in the SBO ticket container.


The coupon books will be sold at Shop Bellevue events. They will also be available at Bellevue events sponsored by other Businesses or Organizations.


Five tickets will be drawn at 6:30pm on Tuesday, November 8th at the ‘All American Picnic’ event. This will be held at The Vue, 600 Southwest Street from 5:30pm – 7:30pm.


The 11:00am big drawing will be held on Shop Small Saturday,
November 26th, at Balance Nutrition. These lucky winners AND one lucky audience member, will each have the opportunity to draw for prizes.

Support small businesses by purchasing a Shop Bellevue coupon book! For only $20, you will receive coupons from 40 local businesses worth over $500.00!