Our first week is underway of our 8th Annual Scarecrow contest. We have had online voting from as far as Texas. We are still accepting entries. We would like to see more residential and live scarecrow entries. It’s easy to enter and no cost involved. Send your information and a picture to connect@shop44811.com.

Here is how the voting works. The winner is determined by how much money is raised. There are two ways to vote. First, if a business has a container you can place your “vote” there. You can vote with as much or as little as you like and as many times as you like. Second, we have each scarecrow online. When you click on the scarecrow you like to “vote” for you can do so in $2 increments. Anyone in the world can “vote.” You will have to check out with your information for Credit Card purposes. We also accept apple pay on your mobile device.

The top winner from each category will receive the bragging rights for the year. Plus, additional promotion.

All monies collected will go directly to our 2023 Small Business Grant Program. You can read more about that here.

Congratulations to the first week's top two scarecrows. We have collected $30 online.


On Key

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